Friday, September 5, 2008

Today we will only sharpen pencils...

Did you know there are 2 kinds of rules in school? Encouraging classroom rules like "everyone has a chance to be successful" and the other rules - the ones that teachers gently guide the kids towards.

Yes - they are the "no hitting", "raise your hand to talk" variety. But every once in a while a teacher allows one that , while not questionable, walks that fine line between sanity and unpleasantness.

Rule #4, 2nd Grade, Room G15: No fingers in electric pencil sharpeners.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

It's the night before school...

Our local district has decided that the Thursday after Labor Day is a perfectly acceptable time to start school. My place of employment would disagree. Trying to work remotely for the past day and a half has shown me again why gymnasts no longer get perfect scores on the balance beam --- because it's hard.

The backpack is packed and the teacher supply bag is full. This year's supplies include a large box of tissues, one cannister of clorox wipes, a large box of a semi-healthy snack, a pack of index cards and a gallon size box of plastic bags. These supplies do not count the supplies in the backpack - the pre-sharpened pencils, the pre-sharpened colored pencils, crayons, markers, glue sticks and the like.

And so another grade begins, along with a new class, and new parents (mostly moms) to get to know so as one of the few out-of-house-working moms, I can find out what happens before and after school - in the all important information chain that is called "walking and talking with coffee in the schoolyard." I am never at these things because, as I said, they are informal and attending will cause me to miss the train for the "slightly less-ambitious". That's transit speak for gets you to the office by 10 am, if it's on time.